Website Coding

Website Review of the Page Layout of and


Imgur's design is busy. It is simple in that there's very little you can do from the home page, aside from searching or clicking on images or gifs (which are organized as 'most viral' by default). Despite being simple, the page appears busy due to the overload of media acting as links, and the infinite scrolling nature of the pages. The linked media appears to be a fluid page layout, because it scales directly with the size of your window. Your window is always packed full of images.

I imagine in most cases being overloaded with links and a hodgepodge of photos would be an awful design choice, but for imgur I think it is intentional. Packing the screen full of images is a way to keep you clicking/commenting/scrolling.

Jello's design is much more conventional. The header contains the site logo, date, and 7 category links, plus a search feature. Despite adjusting your window resolution, all the content stays centered.

The purpose of this site is to provide game related news, and it achieves this by highlighting main features at the top, and then articles are organized (primarily newest to oldest) after that. It has a clean aesthetic, but does have a lot of wasted space on the left and right when viewed full screen. The user interface is easy to understand, and uses hierarchical organization.