Website Coding

Website Review of the


This website has a hierarchal design, with breadcrumb trail secondary navigation. It has a simple design that serves its purpose as a technical reference manual and tutorial provider. It contains next to no graphics.


The purpose of this site is to provide technical details, references, and tutorials for web-based coding.

User Interface

The user interface is very clean, with two main drop-down menus, and the rest of the information displayed in plain black text on a white background. Different font weights and families are used to emphasize category titles in relation to paragraph text. On the left side of the screen, expandable menus are used to provide further details on code specifics, like the Windows file explorer.


The site is easy to navigate and use, and even offers quick access to change languages.

Information on Progressive Enhancements

Progressive enhancements are necessary to provide a baseline of content and functionality to as many people as possible, while maintaining the best possible user experience for users of modern browsers. Feature detection can be used to detect a browser that is capable of advanced functionality. When advanced functionality cannot be utilized, the best possible substitute should be used.