Website Coding

Website Review of the


This website has a clean centered design with a white background. It contains top horizontal navigation with the green team color, and a prominent Packer logo at the top.


The purpose of this site is to provide news and media for fans of the Green Bay Packers.

User Interface

The user interface is very clean, with primary navigations links, and secondary set of links for each of those. The page uses space well, and combines photos with each article title - and a brief summary of what clicking the link will provide.


The site is easy to navigate and use, but offers too many link options. Each main navigation topic offers several sub links, and it feels like these could be consolidated.

Information on HTML5 Structural Elements includes the basic HTML5 structural elements that we have learned so far, including header, nav, main and footer. On this site, each is used as you may anticiapte by the name of the elemet, with navigation being done through nav, header being the top of the page, main for main content, and footer for copyright info, a site map, privacy policy and a contact us option.