
Choose from business majors in:

  • Accounting
  • Administrative/Office
  • Legal Studies
  • Supply Chain Management/Logistics
  • Human Resources
  • Hospitality
  • Restraunt and Hotel Management
  • Business Analytics
  • Culinary
  • Business Management
  • Marketing

Dream big. Go after your goal of thriving in the business world. You’ve got the determination and grit. We’ve got the passionate instructors with real world experience. Choose from programs in marketing, accounting, business management & more!

Business Students at Table

Be in demand

100% of graduates in nine of our Business programs were hired within six months of graduation.

Study in the College of Business at NWTC

The only two-year accredited business college in Northeast Wisconsin.

Not interested in a degree right now?

Start with a shorter program that’s part of a career pathway. The credits you earn roll into the next level of education whenever you’re ready. That means you can pursue a degree at your own pace! To see if a program is part of a career pathway, click on the program name (below), then look for “Follow Your Path.”

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”

Maya Angelou