Usability Testing for


For all four of the sites tested, there was little variation between the three browsers I used, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Variances in the screen shots are likely due to the browser viewport resolution used. The testing with Internet Explorer was done locally on my desktop computer, and for Firefox and Chrome I used a free third-party site,, which offers a plethora of browsers to use, and you can even select your operating system.

Despite the difference in resolution, the sites maintained their usability and aesthetics across each platform.

Class Home Page

IE version 20H2

IE Class Home Page

Firefox version 82

Firefox Class Home Page

Chrome version 86

Chrome Class Home Page

Olympic Sports

IE version 20H2

IE Olympics

Firefox version 82

Firefox Olympics Firefox Olympics

Chrome version 86

Chrome Olympics Chrome Olympics

Pet Sitting Service

IE version 20H2

IE Pet Sitting

Firefox version 82

Firefox Pet Sitting

Chrome version 86

Chrome Pet Sitting

Course Catalogue

IE version 20H2

IE Course Catalogue

Firefox version 82

Firefox Course Catalogue

Chrome version 86

Chrome Course Catalogue