Website Coding

Website Review of's FAQ Section

I had a difficult time finding an FAQ section of any site I visit on a regular basis, and was unable to find any that included fragment identifiers. I did notice that the websites for smaller/local companies were more likely to have an FAQ section, so I thought to look at the website for the heating and cooling service I frequently use.

The exact location I am referencing can be visited at: Apex FAQ site. Viewing the source code for this site appears easier to follow than (which I looked at in my previous review). The site itself somewhat mirrors the simpler nature of the source code, it is well organized, but contains less dynamic interactions.

The FAQ section in particular may have benefited from the use of fragment identifiers as a method to organize all the questions on top, and have a link to each answer further down the page. This may not have been done because the section is not very long, or it may be that FAQs in general are now approached in a different style.

Along with the FAQ section, the site in general is easy to read, and seems to address any questions or contact methods the average customer may need.